Hello! Welcome to CancerSurvivorMD’s podcast by Brad and Josie!
We will share our experiences with living in sickness, health, and anything in between to allow healing and growth. The topics will focus on cancer survivors and caregivers but will likely resonate with anyone who has been diagnosed with any health condition.
Brad is a retired English professor and cancer survivor, now a facilitator of the Writing as Healing workshop.
Josie is a retired medical oncologist and cancer survivor.
If you have any questions or topic suggestions, please send them our way, and we will try to incorporate your request.
Please take a look at the disclaimers (https://cancersurvivormd.org/disclaimers). Words can hurt—if you feel you might get or have been triggered, please stop listening and seek support.
Author Chat with Chris Gabbard
“A Life Beyond Reason: Chris Gabbard on Loss, Caregiving, and Spiritual Growth”
In this deeply moving episode, Chris Gabbard, PhD, MA, professor and author of A Life Beyond Reason, shares his profound journey as a caregiver to his son August, who was born with severe disabilities due to a mismanaged birth. Chris reflects on the emotional and philosophical challenges he faced during and after August’s life, discussing the profound spiritual and personal growth that caregiving brought into his life. Alongside co-hosts Brad Buchanan and Dr. G van Londen, Chris explores themes of trust in the healthcare system, the therapeutic power of writing, and the ethics of caregiving. This conversation will resonate with anyone navigating grief, caregiving, or searching for meaning in life’s most challenging moments.
Relevant links for this episode:
- Chris Gabbard's website and link to his book "A Life Beyond Reason".
- "Unspeakable Conversations" article in the New York Times.
- Peter Singer's website.
- Eva Feder Kittay's website.
- Atul Gawande's book "Being Mortal".
General Links:
- Disclaimers: https://cancersurvivormd.org/disclaimers/
- Brad Buchanan: https://linktr.ee/bradthechimera
- G [Josie] van Londen: https://linktr.ee/cancersurvivormd
- CancerBridges: https://cancerbridges.org/