Hello! Welcome to CancerSurvivorMD’s podcast by Brad and Josie!
We will share our experiences with living in sickness, health, and anything in between to allow healing and growth. The topics will focus on cancer survivors and caregivers but will likely resonate with anyone who has been diagnosed with any health condition.
Brad is a retired English professor and cancer survivor, now a facilitator of the Writing as Healing workshop.
Josie is a retired medical oncologist and cancer survivor.
If you have any questions or topic suggestions, please send them our way, and we will try to incorporate your request.
Please take a look at the disclaimers (https://cancersurvivormd.org/disclaimers). Words can hurt—if you feel you might get or have been triggered, please stop listening and seek support.
A Podcast for and by Cancer Survivors
Navigating life's tightrope while carrying the weight of health challenges requires a strength that many of us discover only when tested by fire. I'm Josie, your guide through this intimate exploration of how to strike a balance between self-care and the relentless tug of responsibilities. As we unfold the pages of our lives in this episode, we confront the delicate dance of managing family, career, and financial pressures alongside the imperative need for healing and wellness. The stories shared here reach out, offering a comforting embrace to those who've battled cancer, those living with chronic conditions, and anyone feeling the burden of keeping it all afloat.
Together, we'll navigate the often unspoken journey towards finding a midpoint in the chaos—a place where harmony isn't just a distant dream but an attainable reality. I invite you into this safe space where we chart the course from struggle to serenity, no matter what health battles you may be facing. Through candid conversations and insights, this episode serves as a beacon for shared growth and understanding. No matter where you are on your path, wrap yourself in the warmth of community and let's embark on this journey to balance, together.
General Links:
- Disclaimers: https://cancersurvivormd.org/disclaimers/
- Brad Buchanan: https://linktr.ee/bradthechimera
- G [Josie] van Londen: https://linktr.ee/cancersurvivormd
- CancerBridges: https://cancerbridges.org/
Hello there, this is Josie. You've seen me on social media, but I am testing a podcast. I'm not sure how this is going to go, whether I can physically do it, but we're going to give it a try.
Speaker 1:There's many of us that live with health issues, many more than we think, and it's hard juggling your health on its own, let alone with the rest of your life In combination your family to take care of your home, your work, your career and the stress to juggle your financial situation On top of that.
Speaker 1:You should ideally have some time to take care of yourself and heal, and that is very difficult to do in current time and age.
Speaker 1:There doesn't seem to be an in-between You're either doing it all or you're doing very little. But finding that middle pathway, that golden middle where things are somewhat balanced, seems to almost be an illusion. To be able to accomplish that, dealing with all these issues, is what, hopefully, we will discuss bit by bit in this podcast. It is for you, but also by you, so please make sure you tell us what you would like us to discuss, if there are certain guests you want us to invite, and then together we will explore and understand and maybe even allow us to grow by discussing all these different topics. Predominantly, it will probably be geared towards those who have survived cancer and are now dealing with the aftermath, but a lot of our concepts also apply to those who have other chronic health conditions. If you find that our topics resonate with you, please feel free to join us and come on and listen in. I wish all of you well and a big hug, and hope to see you here soon again.